FeedbackNow Services

Partner with FeedbackNow’s CX Experts to Operationalize Your Data​

More Options, More Tools

Our new Services options help resource-constrained teams succeed with real-time feedback.

Leaders need to focus not only on collecting data (at the right times and places) but also on ensuring that they can analyze the data and act on any insights they uncover. Partner with our team of experts for one-on-one personalized recommendations to help you optimize your operations, without adding more strain to your existing team.

Advanced companies are directly seeing how optimizing their operations improves customer experiences and overall business results. Our team of experts will help you ensure resources are where they’re needed when they’re needed.

Support Customized to Your Business Needs

A Powerful CX Tech Stack


Powerful hardware. Simple, Swiss industrial design.


Powerful cloud-based software.


When sentiment drops, alerts mean fixes can happen STAT.


To know your customers is to have your customers love you.

Predictive AI

Don't wait for problems. Avoid them.

FeedbackNow in Action

Get an overview of what FeedbackNow is all about in our 2-minute Animated Explainer

70 Million People Tap FeedbackNow Devices Each Year

Simplicity for consumers means a far higher response rate than any survey.

Original Touch


Mobile, Embedded, API

Design Edition

Customizable to Fit Your Needs

People Counter


In & Out


alerts received by staff members daily


sentiments collected per month

Tools to Wow Customers. Now. Not Later.

Forward-thinking enterprises leverage FeedbackNow to provide live sentiment data with a custom AI interface to best serve customers.

FeedbackNow collects:


sentiments collected per month


alerts received by staff members daily
Backed by Forrester’s 20+ year legacy of leading customer experience research, the experts at FeedbackNow are ready to help you drive real time business-boosting outcomes.
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